Saturday, October 9, 2010

I'm such a baby blogger

So, I'm gonna do my best to start really adding a lot more to this blog. Not just what I'm doing with my art/paintings, but also with how I live my life. I realize that we all strive to live passionate, inspired lives and that in many cases the lives of artists can be so free and inspiring. I know this from my own experience living closely with many artists, reading artist biographies and just by seeing the way that people respond to the way I live my life. I want to share my philosophies, my experiments with life, my fears, joys and outbursts of creations! I hope these posts will be accepted kindly and enjoyed by many!

I'll probably end up giving a ton of visuals. I'm still not sure what kind of voice I want to have with this thing.
Ok, enough chatty chatting! Here's some pictures. . . some candy for your eyes. . . :)

About six years ago I started a painting of my sister and I. This was a few years after I first started to really learn how to paint. I've always made things, but this was the time in my life that I began really creating visual imagery that reflected life as I saw it. My sister and I have a rough past, we went through a lot together as well as apart. We pushed each other away and then held on tight. Today, we're still holding on tight to each other. The bond between us is unbreakable and beautiful. When I began this painting (with the little technical skills I had under my belt) I wanted to explore the joy as well as the hurt that we experienced because of our own adolescent stupidity and clumsiness as well as the connection that we have as blood relatives, as sisters. A powerful union that has the ability to last through out many many lives.
I started the painting in Florida, where I grew up and I recently asked my dad to ship it to me. . . I was finally ready to finish it. It's gonna take me a while to get through. Maybe 6 more years. Which I'm fine with.

This is the painting in its original state, the way I left it several years ago:

And this is my progress so far: 

I don't usually paint like this now, so I have to be in a special mood to paint this way. That's probably why it will end up taking so long. But it's worth it. 

Here's a pic of my space and the other paintings I'm working:

Hope you enjoy!

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